General Dental Practice for Sale, Central Colorado

General Dental Practice for Sale, Central Colorado

  • State: Colorado

Asking Price: $647,640

Projected Cash Flow: $220,000

  • Seller Type: Broker
  • Number of Active Patients (last 36mo): 3,000+
  • Overhead Percentage (Include Doctor Salary): Under 50%
  • Number of New Patients Per Month: 35
  • Annual Hygiene Production (3-Year Average): $ Under 20%
  • Number Of Employees (DA, Hygiene, Front, Office Manager): Dental Assistant - Hygienist - Front Office - Office Manager - Associate Dentist -
  • Annual Revenue: $1M+
  • Number Of Employees (DA, Hygiene, Front, Office Manager): Dental Assistant - Hygienist - Front Office - Office Manager - Associate Dentist -
  • Do You Accept Capitation Insurance Plans: Yes
  • Percentage From Capitation:
  • Percent of Revenue - Medicaid:
  • HMO:
  • Percent of Revenue - PPO Insurance: 75
  • Total Capitation: 75

General Office Description

Single-story, free standing building. Lease or purchase options.

Detailed Information

  • Any Current Litigation/Malpractice Claims Against the Office?: No
  • City: Central Colorado
  • Building Type: Medical Suite
  • Number of Operatories: 5
  • Approximate Square Feet: 2,000+
  • Percent of Revenue - Fee For Service: 25%
  • Speciality: General Practice
  • Type of Sale Desired: Outright sale - Seller Walks Away at Closing

Seller Profile

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